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"Советская музыка"

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Good site Keep up the good work
Автор: Mark     2.12.03 23:32  Сообщить модератору

Fantastic site,

I agree socialism is the only way the world can survive....but I realize that mankind is to greedy to give the teachings of Marx and Engels a chance.

We are all slaves of kapitalism, while we think we have a free choice. No way! Not that I want to life in a Stalinist country with Gulags and walls.

How was life in the SU for normal people, did you realy have to watch what to say and only got a desent job if you where member of the party? In the Netherlands the only thing we learned about the SU was that we had to build up our forces because they wanted to attack and rule Europe. The news in the 70's had the aim to make us scared for the Sovjet regime of Gulags and SSSR-Nukes. The US freed us from the Germans, but nobody was talking about the 75% of Hitlers troops where slain by Russia.

But Socialism is rising in Europe. The parties are fragmented but now almost 60% of the votes are 'left wing' related. Maybe we need a stong leader "Takogo kak Putin"?

Mark, you are absolutely right. The world is moving to the left
Автор: А. Харитонов  4.12.03 09:04  Сообщить модератору
This tendency is obvious and inevitable. Only brainless and paranoid conservatives could not see it. Yes, the Russian Revolution was premature and too radical, but it doesn't disprove the left tendency in mankind's history or discredit that tendency

Автор: Mark  4.12.03 21:16  Сообщить модератору
I think International Socialism will take a flight this century. If only Trotski was still here, he would be able to join all the fractions....so we have to wait for a like minded. I\'m started feeling disgusted by the force of consumption society and the CNN lies that are unleashed upon the people of Europe. And I\'m not the only one. Holland is starting to look like a USA in miniature.

About Gulags, walls and Trotski
Автор: o-f  7.12.03 03:04  Сообщить модератору
" Gulags and walls " - natural consequence of cooperation Trotski with the fascists - even before his dispatch from USSR.

Автор: George  9.12.03 14:04  Сообщить модератору
I like the music at this site. I did not like the socialism, nor the ideology ruling my country (Czechoslovakia) for 40 years. But the new system after 1989 has other disadvatages so that it is difficult to tell which is better.

The music is OK. It does not make difference between people, ideologies, nor countries. I have tears in my eyes when listening to "Ech, dorogi, pyl da tuman ..."

Good site Keep up the good work
Автор: Leonid  9.12.03 21:35  Сообщить модератору
Do you know what it is about (song)? And what do you know about communist ideology and why you dislike it?

Автор: kazak  27.05.04 22:49  Сообщить модератору
george, i can understand what you mean by "i love these songs, but thats not communism, its the songs...". But, i dont agree with that, actually i totally disagree. For me, communism, and by that i mean Soviet communism and My understanding of Communism in general, has a lot to do with the way these songs sound, and the things they talk about. And let me explain you that in a nutshell: what i mean is.. these songs...the best of them (like "Dorogi") are really expressing, conveying, in a most beautiful, deep and touching way the same things that are so inner to Communism, to Soviet Communism, and, in my opinion, to the russian nature in general - the kindheartedness, the patriotism, the love for your country and your countrymen, your folk, the places you were born in, your felowship with your friends, the openheartedness, the willingness to sacrifice your life for your country, for your buddies, the strive for equality, for simplicity, the willingness to help others in need, to make an effort to make the world a better place, the real appreciation of the most basic, simple, important - "glavnie" - things in life (thats why sometimes this kind of songs is called in russia "pesni o glavnom"), and all that with this real and touching humility, modesty, humbleness. That is the magic of these songs. That's MY Communism, and thats MY kind of songs, and they are related.

be or... to have
Автор: goto  11.12.05 11:34  Сообщить модератору
Internet is controlled by capitalistic "walls" and so not save for many comments
but one thing is obvious - a socialist is someone who seeks dignity, wants to share and wants to take care for everybody including the weakest.
Greed is crime like all other kind of abuse. It needs to be secured in law and prosecuted.
Freedom for greedy means simply war amoung them. It`s a logical non-sense. Not even an agresive animal gets such a idea.

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