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"Советская музыка"

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We Owe Our Lives to the USSR; We Hope for its Resurrection!
Автор: eric     10.01.06 03:06  Сообщить модератору

So many of us here in the "West" owe our very lives to the USSR, the country which gave 20 million lives to save the world from Hitler. And Bush's endless wars of conquest and slaughter prove how correct Lenin was, and prove that the best way forward --- for everyone, not just a corrupt or lucky few --- is indeed socialism. We hope that Russia returns to socialism, for the sake of the world !

The answer
Автор: GriFF  10.01.06 03:25  Сообщить модератору
Yes will be so!

Автор: ANTIsocialist  14.01.06 18:07  Сообщить модератору
Whom are you talking about?

Genosse ANTIsocialist.
Автор: A. Харитонов  16.01.06 06:48  Сообщить модератору
Obviously, that guy talked about socialism and not to you.
To be a better antisocialict you should speak much better English.
How would you like in Russian a phrase like: "О чём ты говоришь с кем?"

to A. Харитонов
Автор: Aleks  16.01.06 11:51  Сообщить модератору
ANTIsocialist's English is correct,
"Whom are you talking about?" means "О ком Вы говорите?", it's correct and the only way to say it :-)

Автор: Mathieu De Steur  16.01.06 20:59  Сообщить модератору
Ironically we owe much more than our lives to the USSR, we owe our entire social system (of Western Europe) to the USSR. not directly of course, but indirectly, the USSR posed a pressure system on the western-gov't to adapt more social politicies towards to workers, if they didn't they surely would have had a sort of revolution, a good example is a pre-USSR example of Bismarck who adopted social security, strange that he is considered the father of social security, missing the point that it was a pre emtive move to take away the reasons to revolt. Look at the current social democracy in Europe, all of them are in the defensive, and even more, they are changing their policies, they look more like liberal (on the area of economy) parties than social parties.

We owe...
Автор: Soviet  17.01.06 22:29  Сообщить модератору
Thanks to our foreign comrades for warm words. I am so happy that there are people who are giving due to my Homeland. Clear mind is a mighty mind!

Not irony but unfortunate nature
Автор: A. Харитонов  19.01.06 11:13  Сообщить модератору
Of course, there are people who understand the significance of the russian social experiment and appreciate our enormous sacrifices on our pioneer path. Unfortunately, in the West the amount of such intelligent and educated people is not substantial at all. The consumer society brings up mostly ignorant primitives. That is the very nature of this degrading society.
The correct modern English translation of the Russian phrase "О ком Вы говорите?" is "Who are you talking about". "Whom" sounds archaic, odd and awkward.

False friends
Автор: Maria Bonita...  26.01.06 04:25  Сообщить модератору
Sorry, my poor English...:-(

The Social democratics are false socialists..and even many parties that sustain in their flag the red colour...are not socialists...Today, in Brazil is difficult to find a real socialist party...quite all the parties , nowadays, when arrive in the power..let their ideas and run toward the large capital... where they will find the money..and privilegies..putting the country
in a big mess..with many corruption..and the poor people...in my country quite , if I´m not wrong..32.000.000 low in the line of poorness!!!!!!!!!!And the politicians???????????Where are the politicians that say that are socialists..they arrive in the power..promise..and NOTHING...and it is not a reality only in Brazil...in many other countries in development...

But we reds, never , will desist of our dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!The Socialism...mainly in Russia (because of the URRS..and a possible and strong tendency to comminsts parties become powerful).. can be a reality..like is happenig with Venezuela...
We , togheter, will make the Revolution...
Viva el communismo et la Liberta !!

Better than nothing
Автор: Capitalism  29.01.06 19:13  Сообщить модератору
How many times has Socialism failed? Now tell me how many times Capitalism Fell. But hey, the music sure is great!

To 'Capitalism'
Автор: А. Харитонов  30.01.06 10:05  Сообщить модератору
Capitalism fails permanently. Read my previous post: ' The consumer society brings up mostly ignorant primitives. That is the very nature of this degrading society'.

Автор: Mathieu De Steur  30.01.06 16:52  Сообщить модератору
I'm going to try to answer as clearly as i can. I think it just the point that Capitalism does not have the ambitious goal of attaining a state of plenty for all mankind, it quite wants the opposite, the state of permanent borderline shortages to keep the price high. "If you keep the rice of the market, the rice will get dearer, don't ask me what rice is, i don't know what rice is, all i know is its price". We are capable of creating every single commodity 6 billion times (or at least, those dependant of restricted resource, an equal sort of commodity), yet why isn't every man or woman equiped with it? because it wouldn't make any money; After explaining this to a capitalist, he will never deny it, he won't even blush, he will just say "thats how it works" and than the excuses come rolling in, i've heard a couple of them, i'll just note the most frequent. It is human nature to be greedy ... strange, sociology isn't quite that perfect yet to dig up every human drive. Competing creates better commodities ... i agree to that with a certain point, but i do believe, in some sort of way, this could very well be incorporated into planned economy, just take two farmers and say "who wins wins" or just replace on the long term the competive nature of man by a higher goal. And Capitalism as the political entity (liberal democracy) failed quite some times, notable failures are the Austrian Empire, 1848, 1871, WWI, WWII, etc. etc. those are failures of the liberal democracy, and could only be averted with a light sort of socialism, that is social democracy.

To sympathizes of yankees....
Автор: Maria bonita  31.01.06 17:02  Сообщить модератору
The real socialism never can fail!!!! Soviet Union is not a fail of the Socialism ( like the yankees, and sympathizes like to think), BECAUSE if the real socialism (Lenins one) had continued and if the CORRUPTION, THE BUROCRACY, and THE DIRTY POLITICIANS that said that they were communists ...but they really wanted only money...without think in the situation of the poor people and just thinking in the ''cold war''..and in a disgusting imperialism .So SOCIALISM DID NOT FAIL...what happened was a desorganitation (I mean disequilibrate) of the State system by the burocracy and the corruption .So the Socialism can be a solution and give many good results for the people around the world ..what is needed is REAL socialism parties...
Hummm....Nowadays capitalism...I can say that is only a CAPTIVE of the FINANCIAL MARKETS...well..always capitalism was a real slave of the big capital...)!!!! CAPITALISM FAILS EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( one cause ...the last post- Mathieu one -can answer....) !! IN EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY AROUND THE WORLD...!!!!!
Viva la Revolution!

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