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Форум сайта
"Советская музыка"

Этот форум предназначен для обсуждения Советской эпохи и и музыки. Все сообщения, не относящиеся к теме, непристойные сообщения, а также сообщения, оскорбительные для других участников форума будут удалены.

Hello, I'm a Chinese lover of Soviet songs.
Автор: newquantum     9.10.04 16:38  Сообщить модератору

Accidentally I found this net site during my searching Soviet songs on internet just now. I was so excited when I saw your site that I've urgently downloaded more than 100 songs from your site by now. It's the site of most Soviet songs I've ever seen and I've sought such site for a long time.
Cheerfully yours,

Are you willing to make friend with me?
Автор: newquantum  9.10.04 16:59  Сообщить модератору
I am a Chinese and a student of Peking University, Beijing, The People's Republic of China. I am a lover of Soviet songs and a fun of history, especially Russian and Chinese history. When Alexandrov Song And Dance Ensemble Of The Russian Army came to China in 1996, I went to watch their splendid performance. What's more, Dimitry Shostakovish is my idol. Sometimes I listen to his music all the day.
Are you willing to make friend with me? We could chat about music, history and so on. Expect you to e-mail me in English or Chinese.
Sincerely yours,

Hi newquantum,
Автор: Thuy  1.11.04 13:46  Сообщить модератору
I am glad to meet another foreigner here. I am a Vietnamese student studying in Western Australia. I was also very delighted to find this page. The songs are just so close to my heart. I wish I can go to visit Russia one day but time has changed and the beautiful country is no longer a safe place for foreigners, especially Asians like you and me. I am longing for a day when I can go there and be welcome with warm smiles and wide open arms. Just like the good old days...

Thanks, Thuy.
Автор: newquantum  1.11.04 21:05  Сообщить модератору
Thuy, would you like to make pen friend with me? If so, email me. You may also have a visit to China.
My email address: sjuzhuo@yahoo.com or newquantum@sohu.com

Hi people!
Автор: Foxbat  23.11.04 00:16  Сообщить модератору
That's great that you like them... These songs are our history, so we have to remember them. And it's a pity that most of the modern russian and former soviet young people don't know these songs...

Автор: goto  11.12.05 10:36  Сообщить модератору
Nice to meet you guys
Soon I will get an email and I will offer that to you
I like to have some friends who like a world without greed
best regards

Автор: Flavia Ferreira  29.12.05 04:38  Сообщить модератору
Hello comrade!!
It´s good for me too to know another international Soviet music lover!!!
I´m a brazilian student.I live in São Paulo. I´m a girl..unfortunaly it´s really difficult to me find another girl that like soviet music.... There are many many chinese here !They are good people...;-). The Soviet music it´s really agreable..it´s lovely 100% good music, high quality music!!!
Congratulations for you and your Country !
All communists around the world are unite with the socialist flame in your hearts!
Viva la International!!!!!!!

Автор: Mathieu De Steur  29.12.05 05:38  Сообщить модератору
Soviet Music Lovers of the world, Unite! hehehe, best of luck to all of you, and let us thank the men and women who made this site possible, i wouldn't know what to do without it.

Fraternal greetings to all my Comrades, All the workers in the World.

WOW! Real International;-)!!!
Автор: MiShiMa YuRi0  29.12.05 07:14  Сообщить модератору
We, the Soviet People, are glad to see that our culture and our ideals are not completely lost and foreign people respect them... So maybe we all have a great future, not only great past... We must unite!

You all can write me (one of you already does this;-)).

Write, write!
Автор: MiShiMa YuRi0  30.12.05 23:53  Сообщить модератору
mishima_yuri0@pochta.ru (better)
mishima_yuri0@hotmail.com (also MSN)
mishimayuri0@rambler.ru (also ICQ 283-983-234)

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