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Greetings comrades,Greetings from Belgrade Serbia
Автор: Milan     22.05.06 03:52  Сообщить модератору

Workers from all countries unity! Long live Serbian(Yugoslavian)-Soviet brotherhood !
Живела револуција,победа наших народа и наш социјализам.За вечно братство и благостање у социјализму и вечном јединству.

Товарищеский привет югославским братьям!
Автор: Грозин Вася  22.05.06 11:14  Сообщить модератору

Добр дан!
Автор: Критик  22.05.06 11:17  Сообщить модератору
Какие по вашему мнению последствия будет иметь Черногорский референдум?

Greetings comrades,Greetings from Belgrade Serbia(to Milan)
Автор: flogyu  22.05.06 22:19  Сообщить модератору
Greetings Milan, I 've recently read your message on SovMusic Site. I am very glad to meet you. Kritik is waiting your answer, what is(was) your opinion about election in Crna Gora. I am (We are) looking your answer forward. Just now(22.05.06) have heard that separatists won election with 45,000(4500?) votes and Union party has refused accepting the result, claiming vote recounting. A new war? I feel regret for Serbia, serbians people, and mainly even for YUGOSLAVIA.
My best wishes and keep in tuch. Flogyu

Да здравствует пролетарский интернационализм!
Автор: Михаил  22.05.06 22:28  Сообщить модератору
Хороший сайт о Сербии и не только http://www.srpska.ru/

Автор: Милан  22.05.06 22:47  Сообщить модератору
Референдум у Черној Гори је повод сталног медијског притиска на народ свих земаља бившег Варшавског пакта који приказује Европску заједницу као иделану а све са циљем експлоатације тих народа и њихових природних ресурса.Црна Гора је подлегла притиску ЕУ и НАТО и сталној медијској кампањи,али независност ове земље од једва 20 000 км2 i 500000 насељеника ће донети тежак живот народу тамо јер је то јако сиромашна земља природним богатсвима и индустријом и радници ће радити за малу зараду.Рата неће бити ми смо браћа али државна граница мора постојати опет на штету Црне Горе.
Vote in montenegro is result of hard pressing and agressive annexation politic of EU and USA,NATO in all countries of ex Varshav aliance and East Europe with higher goal of exploatation resurs and workers by the power multi-national companies.This vote is bad for poor montenegro economy because this is a cauntry with low level of nature resurse and low level of industry capacity.People will lose economic relationships with Serbia and this will be reflect in big unemployment rate and small payment rate.There will be no war because Serbs and Montenigrians are brothers but border must exist, in the damage for Montenegro economy and tourism.Also many albalnian terrorist have their goals in Montenegro.President of Montenegro is a mafia man and Italy want to arrest him for the black-marketing and connections with cosa nostra.Vote was be good mask for Milo Djukanovic to be under the law like prime minister of this funny small country of 20 000 km2. and population of 500 000.

otbet from Milan and to Mihail
Автор: flogyu  22.05.06 23:07  Сообщить модератору
Milan, thnks for the fast reply. One thing is unbelivable for me is that arguments regarding economic aspects are obvious for me, but why are not obvious for people in CrnaGora? Half of them voted for separation. Why do not they feel brotherhoodness for Serbians? As far as I know they are from the same nation having same language, history etc. What will happen to Serbia loosing seashore, navy, harbors. It is harmful for Serbia as well. What do Serbians say, what you are going to do?

Russian TV Interveiw
Автор: Неистовый Виссарионыч  23.05.06 00:11  Сообщить модератору
Hi, Milan, may I ask you a question too? The President of Montenegro said today in his TV interview that relations between Russia and Montenegro have always been warn and will remain friendly after the split with Sebia. However, no East and South European nation leader ever dared to hint to good relations with Russia if they wanted to join EU and NATO (the exception was Meciar in Slovakia who was immediately boycotted - to say nothing about Lukashenko in Belorus). Why do you think the CrnaGora leader dared to make such a statement? I think it is equal to a political suicide in the "European House."

Данас у сербии
Автор: Критик  23.05.06 14:45  Сообщить модератору
Милан, кои леви странки имати данас у Српски? Я сам било у Српски у 2001 код све подлегли под НАТО и ЕУ... Шта ести мислим луди у Београду и Нови Саду данас?

Данас у сербии
Автор: Милан  24.05.06 00:51  Сообщить модератору
People in Serbia are shared beetwen extreme nationalist and EU democratic trator parties.We in our damage don t have socialistic and comunistic parties who serve the people.I am one of the members and one of the secretary of New Communist Party of Yugolsavia but we curretnly have only 2000 active members of 17 000 members and many of them vote for nationalists.Workers don t have a unity and they are easy plunder for capitalist explotators,only russian companies don t release workers.We have one new young labor movement called anarchy-labor union with many young and proud workers and students.Future of Serbia is not a too bad because we still have friends in many countries and rich economy potential but without serius united socialism our people will be manipulad by ,,nationalistic,, and ,,demokratic,, politician who really working for big capital owners.Aftrer the fall of Berlin wall sample people in east Europe will no see people democracy and normal society, where you can be proud and feel like a free man, 100 years.

Russian TV Interveiw
Автор: Милан  24.05.06 01:16  Сообщить модератору
Montenegro president spoke nice about Russia because he want to have international support but he and his followers are not interested for some higher than simply relations.People in Serbia are interested to share sports,polics,society,economic,culture and other subjects with Russian people and this is real will for good relations.Serbia is too small to be russian daily partner but people can cooperate free in many society filds and this is important for us.Life is not just ,,american dream,, when you today have everything tomorrow nothing.Every man must have a feel that he is a part of something important for him,for him materialistic and moral existence.

Russian TV Interveiw
Автор: Неистовый Виссарионыч  24.05.06 14:01  Сообщить модератору
Thank you Milan for your answer.

You say that Serbia is too small. However, when the EU and the USA introduced sanctions against former Yugoslavia and you WERE hit by these sanctions for 10 odd years (if I am not mistaken about the length of the period), you were able to withstand the sanctions. And as far as I know, despite all shoratges and economic aggrivations, you did not have either hunger or disaster in production. In any case, no matter how hard it was, you survived under the intermational sanctions - and I always wondered if ANY other (capitalist) country in Europe could survive under such severe pressure.

For me, former Yugoslavia will always be a convincing example of socialist economy viablity and the miracle of a people's strength vis-a-vis the all mighty enimy.

Don't get too sad about the developments of the past decade. I am sure that Serbia - and its friends in other ex-Yugoslavian republics - will see a brighter future - no matter how your social system is going to be called then.

Russian TV Interveiw
Автор: flogyu  24.05.06 20:58  Сообщить модератору
Dear Neistovij Vissarionics, I'd like to ask, if social (if you meant Social(list), not National )economy was as strong as I understood you ment, why we had to give up, why our magnificent(I am not sarcastic) community had collapsed unexpectidly?

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