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Need help to identify Russian folk song
Автор: rusnick1     8.05.10 11:27  Сообщить модератору


I need your help to identify a Russian song. In my country, Israel, we sing this song in Hebrew, but the original is in Russian and the tune is Russian as well. I would like to know the song's original name and maybe you can help me find a recording of the song.

This is how the song sounds in Hebrew, I hope you enjoy it:


The song says something like this:

On the banks of the Dneiper
Cossack horsemen from the Budyonny companies
Are riding into battle.

(Budyonny is the Russian General Семён Михайлович Будённый)

I am sorry but I don't read Russian, only English.

Thank you!

- Aviv

to rusnick1
Автор: Сатурн  8.05.10 11:55  Сообщить модератору
Personally, I cannot identify the Russian original of the song you've uploaded. Surely it contains some fragments that are close to various songs of this genre but nothing specific comes to mind. The beginning of the refrain, for example, reminds me of the "Brown-eyed Cossack maiden", the song written in the Cossack style but as late as 1965-66. Maybe others will offer their opinions. It may very well be some kind of an Israeli improvisation and stylization...

Need help to identify Russian folk song
Автор: rusnick1  8.05.10 22:18  Сообщить модератору

Thank you so much for your help. I suppose you are right, it is an Israeli improvisation. Out of curiosity, does that other song you mentioned have a recording here? I searched the English title but couldn't find it.

here it is
Автор: Сатурн  9.05.10 00:58  Сообщить модератору

to rusnick1: Please, write to my e-mail address
Автор: Юрий Я.  9.05.10 21:43  Сообщить модератору
I am an Israeli collectioner of Russian songs.

Thanks again.
Автор: rusnick1  10.05.10 00:26  Сообщить модератору

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